The Forest Lake Camp is located in Huizhou City, Guangdong Province. In front of the camp, there is the original ecological
Mirror Lake, backed by the endless Huangchao Mountain Forest Oxygen Bar, including 300 mu of green land and 400 mu of
lake surface. With the natural site conditions and outdoor sports facilities, the Forest Lake Camp provides campers with a variety
of outdoor camp activities on water, land and high altitude. It is designed with comprehensive improvement courses such as
personal growth, team cooperation and leadership.
▼建筑室外丨Building outdoor
▼建筑室外丨Building outdoor
The wooden house matches the camp, making the camp more ecological. During the construction of the camp, the damage to
the natural environment is reduced to the lowest point, and the camp design is integrated with the natural environmentThe
environment is matched.Wooden houses, traditional and ancient, have unique advantages over common metal and brick structures.
The natural wood is selected as the material The change is automatically adjusted, which is often referred to as the "breathing
house". The wood and pine have the odor and efficacy of insect prevention, and have good environmental protection, which
can be maintained indoorsGood fresh air, warm in winter and cool in summer, saving energy. The wood fiber characteristics in
the wood structure make the seismic and wind resistance capability of the wooden house far exceed that of the concreteEarthen
houses. The wooden house with special anti-corrosion and fireproof treatment can also maintain a long service life.
▼建筑室外丨Building outdoor
▼建筑鳥瞰丨Bird's-eye view of the building
“如果你愿意,可以在喜歡的任何地方愜意安居” -《木屋之色》
“You can settle down anywhere you like, if you want to.” – The Color of the Cabin
▼建筑鳥瞰丨Bird's-eye view of the building
白天在趣味項目中放飛自我,夜晚回歸山野蟲鳴,與銀河繁星對唱,放下心事 卸下疲憊,遠離城市的燈紅酒綠,發(fā)現(xiàn)生活的另一種方式。
In the daytime, you can fly in interesting projects, return to the mountains and the wild at night, sing with the stars of the Milky
Way, put down your worries, remove your tiredness, stay away from the city and discover another way of life.
▼建筑室內丨Building interior
▼建筑室內丨Building interior
▼戶外球場丨Outdoor court
Gaga ball, a classic camp activity, was rated as one of the children's favorite camp activities. During play, children's communication
ability, judgment ability and teamwork ability were fully cultivated.
▼戶外攀巖丨Outdoor rock climbing
攀巖運動有“巖壁芭蕾”的美稱,富有很強的技巧性、挑戰(zhàn)性,在世界上十分流行。兒童攀巖有助于增強身體的柔軟度與協(xié)調度, 有助于孩
Rock climbing has the laudatory name of "rock ballet", which is full of strong skills and challenges and is very popular in the world.
Children's rock climbing helps to enhance the softness and coordination of their bodies, help their balanced development, open
their minds and cultivate their adventurous spirit. The idea of climbing can enhance children's enterprising spirit, willpower, sense
of honor and determination to transcend themselves.